Proces                                                                                       Process

Trajanje projekta je od 15. januara do 15. aprila 2009.
Čine ga 3 glavne faze:
-          Pripremna faza
-          Trening kurs faza
-          Faza post trening aktivnosti

Pripremna faza
(15-31. januar  2009.)

Učešće na treningu je obuhvatalo i pripremni rad koji se sastojao iz sledećeg:
-          Popunjavanje aplikacijskih frmulara ukojima je svaki učesnik davao neke informacije o sebi, svojim potrebama i iskustvima.
-          Svaka nacionalna grupa je pripremila brošure, postere, flajere, video i druge multimedijalne proizvode da bi prezentovali zemlju iz koje dolaze i organizaciju.
-          Multimedijalni proizvodi (video, audio, fotografije, i td.) i edukativni materijal (brosure, postere, flajere, društvene igrice) realizovane od strane partnera (ili od strane druge organizacije u lokalu) u cilju da se pokažu dobri primeri aktivnosti koje su već odrađene na temu Održivi razvoj i na lokalnom i na međunarodnom nivou.   Svi ovi materijali zajedno sa drugim obezbeđenim resursima (web sajtovi, multimedijalna oprema, dokumentacija) su bili dostupni za učesnike tokom treninga u resurs korneru a takođe i za goste za vreme javnog događaja.

Trening kurs faza
(Šabac, 01-11. februar 2009.)

Na početku treninga igrice zagrevanja, vašar asocijacija, radne sesije o neformalnoj edukaciji, interkulturalnom učenju i na temu održivi razvoj su realizovane.
Takođe, urednički odbor je ustanovljen i sačinjen od 4 učesnika iz zemalja JIE i EU. Njihov zadatak je bio da prikupe materijale, dokumenta, fotografije, postere, intervjue i drugo što može doprineti finalizaciji rezultata treninga, i da proizvedu  foto adresar i video kutiju učesnika. 
Otvoreni prostor je bio javni događaj na kome su prezentovani multimedijalni radovi namenjeni upoznavanju učesnika i građana sa temom projekta. To je bio momenat kada su se spojile aktivnosti učesnika treniga  i  volontera koji su angažovani na lokalnom projektu.   
Agencija za umnožavaje održivosti ili na engleskom Multiplying Agency for Sustainability (MAS) je ustanovljena u cilju realizacije praktičnog rada koji će biti razvijen prema potrebama, interesovanjima i ciljevima učenja učesnika. U tri dana mogući načini prenosa znanja i kako senzibilisati ljude na temu su razvijene na 2 različita aspekta: edukativni proces i multimedijalni proizvodi. 
Poslednji deo treninga je bio posvećen identifikaciji budućih projekata za apliciranje i da imaju konkretan nastavak u radu na temu. Fokusirali smo naše buduće projektne planove za Program Mladi u akciji, ali smo uzeli u obzir mogućnost da proverimo druge mogućnosti finansiranja. 
Finalna evaluacija predstavlja završetak treninga, proveru stepen zadovoljstva učesnika u pogledu ukupnog razvoja treninga.
Ove metodologije neformalne edukacije su korišćene za vreme treninga: neposredo samoučenje, vršnjačka edukacija, učenje kroz rad, razmena iskustava.  

Faza post trening aktivnosti 
(12. februar – 15 april 2009.)

Prikupljanje, selekcija i širenje rezultata projekta je proces koji je u toku…

Project duration is from January 15th till  April 15th 2009.
It consists of 3 main phases:
-          Preparation Phase
-          Training Course Phase
-          Post Training Activities Phase

Preparation Phase
(January 15th - 31st 2009)

The participation to the training includes a preparatory work that concerns the following:
-          Filling the application form in which each participant give some information on personal background, needs and experiences.
-          Each national group prepared brochures, posters, flyers, video and other multimedia products to present country and organisation.
-          Multimedia products (video, audio, photo, etc.) and educational kits (brochures, posters, flyers, social/table games) realised by each partner (or by other organisation in their local context) in order to show good examples of activities already ran on the topic of Sustainable Development both at local and/or international level. 
All these materials, together with other resources provided by the organizer (web sites, multimedia equipments, documentation), was available for all the participants during the training in a resource corner and also for the guests during public event.

Training Course Phase
(Sabac, February 01st - 11th2009)

At the beginning of the training icebreaker dynamics, association fair, working sessions on Non Formal Education, Intercultural Learning and Sustainable Development were realized.
Also, Editorial Board was set and it was composed of 4 participants from SEE countries and EU. They was in charge to collect the materials, documents, photos, posters, interviews and everything else that may contribute to finalize the results of the training, and to produce a photo addresser and a video box of the participants.
Open space was a public event where multimedia products were presented to participants and citizens. That was a moment when 2 activities became one, activities of the participants and volunteers engaged on the local project titled “Sustain Yourself”. 
A Multiplying Agency for Sustainability (MAS) was set in order to realise practical works that will be developed according to the needs, interests and learning objectives of participants. In 3 days, possible ways to transfer knowledge and to sensitise people on the topic were developed by the participants in 2 different aspects: Educational process and Multimedia products.
The last part of the training was devoted to the identification of future common projects to be applied and to give concrete continuity in the work on the topic.  We focused our future project plans on Youth in Action Programme, but also give the possibility to check other international funding opportunities.
The final evaluations represented the end of the training course; checking the satisfaction degree of the participants concerning the whole development of the training.
These methodologies of non-formal education were applied during the training:  Self Direct Learning, Peer Education, Learning by Doing, Sharing Experiences.

Post Training Activities Phase
(February 12th - April 15th2009)

Collecting, selection and dissemination of the project results is on going process…


This web page is copyright free, if you want to use some parts welcome, we would like just to see results.
Ova internet stranica je oslobođena svih autorskih prava, slobodno koristite neke njene delove, mi bi voleli samo da vidimo rezultate.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission and City of Sabac. This web page reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission and City Of Sabac cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Ovaj projekat je finasirala Evropska Komisija i Grad Šabac. Ova web stranica predstavlja stav samo autora, i Komisija i Grad Šabac nemogu biti odgovorni za bilo koju upotrebu informacija koje web stanica sadrži.